Fitness & Wellness

Our expert physical therapists and team are also experienced in health and wellness training. At our brand-new, state-of-the-art facility at Qore Physical Therapy, we have a very impressive on-site gym with wonderful equipment to help you focus on your fitness and wellness in American Fork, Utah. We provide a wonderful health and wellness program that also includes an on-site, licensed massage therapist! Note: Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise or fitness program.

At Qore Physical Therapy, we understand that while you are working to restore your independence through better mobility, you need a way to improve your physical fitness and increase your strength! Our objective at our clinic is to help you move better and to feel better overall! We strongly believe that, through our clinic’s fitness and wellness program, you can increase your strength, flexibility, range of motion and endurance. Through this effective program, you can also lose weight, improve your muscle tone and recover from injuries.

Simply put, a fitness and wellness program like the one we provide at Qore Physical Therapy is an essential component for a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Our team is dedicated to serving your needs and helping you to live a happier, healthier life that is free from pain and full of energy! Our desire is to assist you with improving your ability to enjoy your life as you revitalize your overall physical health. Our physical therapists can help to personalize a fitness and wellness plan that is especially for you and designed to help you achieve your health-related goals.

To learn more about how our fitness and wellness program can help you and your family, call our team today at 801-701-6699, and we will be happy to serve you.