
In keeping with our commitment to providing comprehensive physical therapy treatment through revolutionary advances in technology, Qore Physical Therapy is proud to offer the Solo-Step overhead track and harness system to our patients.

In addition to being an effective and safe fall prevention system, the Solo-Step helps to reassure its users by increasing patient safety, reducing rehabilitation times and improving patient care. Our patients excel with the Solo-Step because it is an overhead track system that attaches to a harness that protects its users from falling. The Solo-Step system provides multi-directional movement that enhances the treatment of amputees, high-performance athletes, adaptive athletes and anyone who might be considered at risk of falling.

Physical therapy often requires various types of movement, and the Solo-Step provides support for those activities, such as balance training, sit-to-stand transitions, climbing stairs and walking therapy. By protecting patients from falls, our trolley and harness system instills confidence in those who are receiving treatment, thereby improving their overall experience and results. As a result, the Solo-Step has earned a glowing reputation for being a safe patient-handling and rehabilitation system, and our clinic is proud to offer its assistance to our patients.

By using the Solo-Step overhead track and harness system while working on balance, gait and strength training, our patients can achieve new levels of rehabilitation in a shorter period of time. And here are some other benefits that can come from using the Solo-Step:

  • Complete protection from any risk of fall-related injuries
  • Empowers patients to challenge themselves
  • Increases confidence and reduces anxiety during treatment
  • Establishes a safe and secure environment for balance, strength and gait training
  • Altogether eliminates any concerns of falling during therapy
  • Helps our patients to feel more confident and optimistic about their treatment

If you would like to learn more about how the Solo-Step overhead track and harness system can empower your physical therapy rehabilitation, call our office today at 801-701-6699!